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Privacy Policy for Amarillo We Buy Cars

Welcome to Amarillo We Buy Cars’s Privacy Policy.

This policy will inform you about how we handle your data and your privacy. That can include information that we track, data we collect during your visit, information sharing, and how you can change your preferences.


Amarillo We Buy Cars will often use cookies to give you personalized experience on our site. Cookies are used to store your preferences, such as login details, as well as shopping cart contents. We use cookies to manage your experience and store some information directly on your computer. 

‌We do not use cookies or tracking information to track you specifically and the analysis we do on cookie information is always anonymized. That means we may learn that many customers enjoy a certain experience, but we’ll never be able to say that you like or dislike something.

Personal Information

Amarillo We Buy Cars, we like to give customers the best experience possible. To do so, we collect and monitor a variety information about you and how you interact with our services. 

‌Personally Identifiable Information, such as your name, address, contact information, social media accounts, and other information is collected when you fill out forms, sign up for accounts, or take other actions. 

‌We only collect these details when you directly provide them to us. Amarillo We Buy Cars will use these details to improve our services, create or manage your accounts, and help troubleshoot problems you may experience. 

‌Other information like cookies and IP addresses may also be collected. We do not combine these information sources with your personally identifiable information.

Our Partners and Your Data

To improve your overall experience, Amarillo We Buy Cars will often partner with a variety of trusted brands to deliver new and exciting opportunities. You’ll see these partnerships linked on our pages or may see an invitation at the bottom of an email or form. 

‌While we encourage you interact with these partners, please know that we will only share your data with them when you give us permission. 

‌And, you’re allowed to change your mind at any time. If you decide you’re getting too much information from our partners or just want a tighter control over your information, let us know and we’ll change sharing habits. 

‌One important thing you should know is that we don’t share information with third-party services or websites. However, we cannot control how your browser, extensions, apps or services you use. Please review the policies of those items so that you have the best control over your information.

You Can Always Say No

If you change your mind at any point and want us to change how your information is shared, just contact Amarillo We Buy Cars directly. We’ll work hard to make those changes as quickly as possible, because we value your privacy.

Privacy Policies Change

Privacy Policies change as technology and business practices change. Updates from Amarillo We Buy Cars will be created and published whenever necessary. Sometimes that means we may not be able to notify you directly, but we do try to share this information on our home page and other locations. 

‌Please return to this page regularly to ensure that you agree to our policy.

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